These are the people who we originally auditioned and decided to fill our roles:
- Helen - Jasmine Lee
- Deano - Tamer Saleh
- Courtney - Hannah Cullen
- Stephanie - Stephanie Hadlow
- Richard - Nicholas Crouch
- JJ - Tom Le Gresly
- Aaron - Lewis Spaul
The people we lost were;
- Nicholas Crouch - Had other subjects to study for
- Tom Le Gresly - Had other engagements
- Jennifer Pike - Unable to film at the same time due to prior arrangements with work and school
- Lewis Spaul - Illness
We filled Jennifer roles with Jo Peplow-Revell as she is of the same slim build with dark hair and with the innocent look we imagined Danielle to have.
Myself and Jo Peplow-Revell filled the roles of JJ and Aaron with Lewis Montague and Tim Bousfield. We also had another male space so as we wanted to always have a back-up incase we lost another actor so we were able to do this with James Hancock and James Garrod.
In our last filming session, we had to change Tamer Saleh with our original actor for Aaron, Lewis Spaul. This was so we could get everyone together, due to timetables, and finish our filming so we could move on to other pieces of work and spend no more time planning and organising other days.
Here are the pictures of our final cast:
Helen - Jasmine Lee
This is Jasmine. The middle and end picture was the costume we had for her. We have the red shoes, which are connotations of lust and romance and also the red lipstick to back it up. She is wearing a black dress, which connotes secrets and also danger which would lead to more interesting storylines from her character.

Deano - Lewis Spaul
We had to make the decision to swap Tamer with Lewis, as again, timetables clashed and this was the only day we could get our final cast together. We originally wanted Deano to be dressed in tracksuit bottoms and a white polo shirt, but with our time being limit and our decision to change actors quick, there was no costume for him. Although, as the focus isn't on his costume, the clothes he is dressed in still work well. His black coat follows the same connotations of secrecy as his Mother's black dress, and his curly hair connotes his messy personality which we can link to his behaviour in Helen Howe.

Danielle - Jo Peplow-Revell
Danielle's costume is tracksuit bottoms connoting her lack of money for the branded clothes that the other characters wear, but also following the "chav" stereotype. The heart on her t-shirt connotes her flirtatious manner and this can allude to the reason she falls pregnant, and as the heart is surrounded by black, it connotes the mischief she intends to cause with the males in Helen Howe.

Courtney - Hannah Cullen
Courtney is in fashionable clothing and this denotes how she fits in within Helen Howe. She is wearing clothes that are long and warm and this shows the visual contrast between her and her Mother, Helen. The colour green on her jumper connotes how she feels envy towards Danielle, not that she is pregnant, just because of the attention she recieves and her bubbly personality.

Richard - Matthew Bigg
Richard's costume is predominantly black, and this is to connote his hidden personality and the secrecy to his character. He is wearing a cardigan and skinny jeans which are the more commonly known clothes for a male to wear. The purple shirt he is wearing connotes the love Stephanie, his wife, feels for him and how the secrecy to his personality covers it up to the outside world.
JJ, Paul, Nathan and Aaron - Lewis Montague, James Garrod, James Hancock and Tim Bousfield
These are our four 'lads'. The first 3 are all dressed in jeans, jumpers and trainers. These denote style and fashion. They are all in similar costume connoting how they are all typical characters and all of the same personality. The colours for the lads are grey mainly, for the jumpers, and this connotes no real spark of personality. The use of the black for these connote the secrecy within them, especially in Aaron who is entirely in black and this connotes secrecy which would be unravelled through other episodes. Aaron is seen as the "tag along" and this is why is costume differs to the others, to create the illusion he hasn't quite achieved the "cool" look JJ and the others have achieved.