Saturday, 11 September 2010

Comparing our targert audeine questionnaire results

Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire Results

To make sure we had captured the same audience from our research we looked at our results to compare what we had found.
From looking at both sets of graphs we can see that one set of results reveals that females watch soaps more than males however, the other results show they both watch them equally. This is still reliable as the results that do show females watch soaps more is not completely unbalanced showing that males and females both watch soaps, therefore we will have to appeal to both.

On one set of results it is clear that females and males in the 30-50 age bracket are most likely to watch soaps and this is supported by the other results as the most common age bracket where soaps are watched is the 41-50 therefore showing that soaps appeal to this age group. We can therefore decide if we want to target a younger audience or continue with the current audience we found.

Other questions on our questionnaires are different where one questionnaire asks the audience about what storylines they like and the other is about why they watch soaps. Both sets of results are reliable and will help us create our target audience questionnaire but we cannot draw comparisons between them. However, we have found some supportive evidence on the results that defines the age demographic and whether males or females watch soaps.

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